Oral Surgery – Concord, NH

Improving Oral Functionality for Concord Residents

If you are experiencing a complex dental problem, you may wonder if there is a solution to help put your smile back on track. Oftentimes, as you age, serious oral health issues can develop, resulting in the need for more extensive treatment. Dr. Homsi is pleased to provide the necessary services that are designed to rebuild smiles and minimize future harm to your oral health. Call us today if you believe you might benefit from tooth extraction, root canal, frenectomy, bone grafting, dental implant placement, or other available options for oral surgery in Concord, NH.

Why Choose Charm Smile Dental for Oral Surgery?

  • Dentist with Extensive Implant Training & Experience
  • Ensures Patient Comfort Before Any Procedure
  • State-of-the-Art Dental Technology Used In-House

Tooth Extractions

Metal clasp holding an extracted tooth

When a tooth is severely damaged or decayed and cannot be saved with the help of a dental crown or root canal, the only viable solution is to perform a tooth extraction. In most cases, Dr. Homsi will not recommend this type of treatment; however, if no other solution proves successful, he will need to remove the tooth to avoid further damage to your smile. If you are recommended for tooth removal, trust that our team will ensure your comfort and safety before, during, and after your procedure.

Root Canal Treatment

Model of a healthy tooth and tooth in need of root canal treatment

When the innermost layer of your tooth – the pulp – becomes infected or damaged, it is likely to cause significant pain. The reason is that this layer consists of various nerves and blood vessels that trigger pain signals. To reduce the potential for worsening symptoms, we will need to perform a root canal to remove the damaged pulp, clean out the canals, and provide maximum protection against future reinfection.

Dental Implant Placement

Animated smile during dental implant placement

Dr. Homsi brings years of experience and expertise when working with patients dealing with tooth loss. Having studied and completed courses on implant dentistry in various countries, he is equipped to provide start-to-finish treatment in-house so that you can remain comfortable and at ease throughout the implant process. As these titanium posts take the place of your missing teeth, you will discover that your ability to eat, speak, and smile becomes easier and more enjoyable thanks to a fully functional, complete smile.

Learn More About Dental Implants

Bone Grafting

Animated smile during bone grafting

If you lack the necessary jawbone density to adequately support your new dental implants, you may be required to undergo a bone grafting procedure. This involves taking grafting materials from the root of your mouth or another donor and placing them in the impacted area of your jawbone. Over several months, the new and existing bone will integrate and create a denser and more stable foundation for your new dental implants.


Closeup of smile after frenectomy

When banded tissues located behind the upper lip or underneath the tongue cause oral restriction, it can make eating, speaking, and breathing more difficult. Fortunately, with the use of a soft tissue dental laser, Dr. Homsi can quickly release these tissues, also known as lip- and tongue-ties, so that you can freely move your lip and/or tongue without any problem. This, in turn, makes it easier to perform normal daily tasks that were once difficult or impossible to complete.